Thursday, July 11, 2019


Some people would be HAPPY to give to charity if they understood the UNIVERSAL LAW OF THE HARVEST (aka Law of Increasing Returns): Plant a seed, reap a bushel. Give one dollar to a "worthy" cause, receive ten dollars in return. If all you have to give is fifty cents, that will bring you $5. $10 brings $100. If done correctly, it works every time. It has to, because it's a Universal law.

This is the biblical Law of Tithing, but church leaders either don't fully understand how it works, or they deliberately keep their members in the dark. What they neglect to teach their members is that whatever we give from the goodness of our hearts returns to us TENFOLD. It may not always return as money—sometimes it comes as services, or someone could give us a gift.

But beware: Used incorrectly (for greed, or to hurt someone else, etc.) this law is guaranteed to backfire sooner or later!

My mother used to say that if she put her last dollar in the collection plate at church, she always had enough to make ends meet the following week.

When I first read about the Law of the Harvest, I was intrigued but skeptical. One day I thought I'd try it out and see if it worked. There was a specific charity I wanted to donate $5 to, but wasn't sure if I should spend the money. Still, I addressed an envelope to the charity and left it on a kitchen counter. When my hubby arrived home from work a few minutes later, he went upstairs as usual to change clothes, and when he came back down, he handed me $50, saying he'd received a small bonus at work that day. When that happened, I *knew* I had to put $5 of that money in the envelope and mail it off! It was a case of the law operating merely on my thoughts and wishes.

The same thing happened a few years later: I was surprised with $100 from a bonus hubby hadn't expected. He handed me that money almost immediately after I had addressed and stamped an envelope and inserted a check for $10.

Magic? No. I've seen this happen many times through the years. Don't believe it works? I can only say it's your loss if you don't try. But you must open your mind and your heart and be receptive to the possibility of increasing your income while helping those less fortunate. Teach this lesson to others as you go through life. It works.

The law is simple:

Give what you can to a worthy cause.
Don't worry about where it will come from, just know it will come.
Put it out of your mind if you can. Just forget about it.
You can increase your income this way; someone may offer you a better-paying job right out of the blue. This isn't a miracle: it's a Universal Law that works every time.

Until next time....


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