Saturday, November 17, 2018


When the student is ready, the master will appear

That quote is supposedly an old Buddhist (or Zen) proverb—there have been many sources cited through the years, but it means: when our minds are open, we are more receptive to new thoughts or ideas.

Many people are not ready for higher thoughts, advanced training, or spiritual awakenings, because they are closed to new thoughts and suggestions. When they are ready, they will attract to themselves a teacher who can aid in enlightening them—because Like always attracts Like in the realm of mind.

We must desire knowledge before we can obtain it—it cannot be forced upon us . . . but you knew there was a catch, right? If what I just stated sounds like a contradiction, it is not, because the exception is “mind control,”  which works on a different level, i.e., our minds can absorb both what we want, and what we do not want.

With mind control (or brainwashing), our minds can and do accept ideas and thoughts imposed upon us, because this type of mental control does not deal with our conscious  minds but instead goes directly to our subconscious via such base emotions as fear, greed, envy, or  hatred.

If you think our minds cannot be controlled by someone else, think again.

Politicians and advertisers have used mind control to change our opinions and ideas via television commercials and straight-out propaganda, and their techniques are so deep, so subliminal that we may not know what hit us.

Multiply those unwanted thoughts, ideas, and/or symbols hundreds of times and, chances are, we’ve been brainwashed without our knowledge. Think it can’t be done?

It happens every day, every minute we spend glued to a television program, a cell phone, the Internet, or watching/listening to news broadcasts, sometimes half asleep … when our subconscious minds are fully open, because subconscious minds never sleep; like Alexa, they are always listening.

Repetition is the vehicle used for brainwashing. Repetition enables thoughts or images to embed themselves in our unconscious, until, at some future time, they merge with our conscious thoughts and ideas, and become fixed.

In school, our lessons are drilled into us so we don’t forget them. Reading a textbook over and over gets the subject matter stuck in our minds—in our subconscious minds, whether or not we are consciously studying the subject. Repetition of a subject helps us learn.

But with brainwashing, we often aren’t getting our own preferences, direction of thoughts, and knowledge; we are absorbing and coming into line with someone else’s thoughts, ideas, and commands, good or bad. (This is the main reason I stopped watching everything that came along on television: My own mind is fertile enough to create its own ideas and grow plots and story lines.)

But how can we prevent the wrong ideas from taking control of our subconscious minds and expanding negatively? One way is to put only good, higher thoughts in our minds, and they will crowd out the bad.

A few minutes daily of deep yoga breathing and meditation helps prepare our minds to accept only the ideas we wish to accept and follow.

If we wish to be sheep—fine, but we must follow our own shepherd. Following someone else’s leader often leads us astray without our consent; therefore, we must be constantly on guard if we wish to shepherd our own flocks.

This is indeed one of life’s mysteries, and the meaning will become clear after practicing meditation for a few months. For some, it may take years; for others it happens rapidly. But at some point, when the “student” is receptive and ready for more, like a magnet, he will attract a “master” who can teach him. This quote from the Bible has always been one of my favorites: “My sheep hear my voice and follow me.” John 10:27-30

Suggested reading:


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