Thursday, May 26, 2022

Role Playing Games & Massacres

I hope there's someone else on this planet who knows what I'm talking about!

After every mass shooting, the authorities go around like chickens with their heads cut off, wondering and moaning about this or that reason, what we can or cannot do to stop it.

Yes, gun control is very necessary; however, we need to investigate the role violent video games play in these massacres. I've studied how the subconscious works and how minds can be programmed. I know how easy it is to accomplish (through constant repetition), and people aren't even aware their minds are being manipulated. Sure, some of those games are fun and harmless, and they can teach important lessons. Not every player ends up committing murder.

But I also know how easy it is to slip subliminal messages into games, books, movies, songs, TV ads, you name it. If someone has an ulterior motive, that's one way they can sway people's minds, and the recipients have no idea what happened.

Today I did more research online and found there's a lot out there if one looks for it. I'm specifically interested in how RPGs (Role Playing Games) contribute to brainwashing.

But for those who sit for hours with their faces and minds glued to these games, the effect can be devastating. This is especially true for a person who already has mental, emotional, or social issues; This is someone who is easily brainwashed.

I'm not saying I have the answer to why these massacres are happening -- there may be other factors involved -- but it could be a start, because RPGs use mind-control techniques that can blur the line between reality and fantasy.

While searching I found this, and there's more information out there:

"Gaming has also been associated with sleep deprivation, insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders, depression, aggression, hallucinations, and anxiety, though more studies are needed to establish the validity and the strength of these connections.

"There has also been concern that exposure to the extreme violence that is commonly found in video games can desensitize teens and young adults to such violence, causing emotional problems and even leading to young people committing acts of violence."

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