Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Joe & Kamala—Is It Serendipity?

Today I got to thinking about Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris's birthdays and discovered why they are so much alike:

Joe's birthday is November 20 (Sagittarius, at the ending cusp of Scorpio)

Kamala's birthday is October 20 (Libra, at the beginning cusp of Scorpio)

When someone is born on the cusp of a sign, they have some of the traits of that sign.

Sagittarius can make verbal goofs.

Libra can be brutally frank.

Put both signs on the cusps of Scorpio and you may set off some dynamite, and Scorpio can usually handle anything that gets in their way. You can tell by the intensity of a Scorpio's eyes that they mean business!

So, in the year 2020, these two peoplewhose birthdays are both on the 20th day of the monthshould make a great team. I can't help wondering if Joe Biden realized this when he chose Kamala Harris for his running mate, or if she did, or if they're even into astrology. 

Maybe it's just serendipity.

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