I can't help thinking about holy (or spiritual) people who are depicted in paintings with halos either above or surrounding their heads.
In truth, every living thing has an aura that surrounds their entire body. Certain mystics are often able to see these auras, and they are generally brighter around the head. But such an aura does not necessarily mean someone is holy.*
While studying and experimenting with paranormal activities, such as Extra Sensory Perception and astral projection—which scared the soup out of me until I understood how it worked—I decided that I would try to see my aura.
One day I succeeded in leaving my physical body for a few minutes. I held out my left astral arm and looked at it. What I saw was a black shadow shaped like my arm and hand with a glowing outline around it.
At last, I was convinced of the reality of auras! I've had many similar experiences, and in one instance, at least one other person recognized me. This occurred when I was employed on second shift at a factory. One afternoon I decided I wanted to visit the plant where I worked. I had read that we could imagine taking off like a bird while thinking of a chosen destination.
So after going through the routine of leaving my body, I then flapped my arms and felt myself soaring through air and arriving almost instantly at the concrete-block building where I worked, at which point my astral (energy) body slipped right through the blocks, and I found myself moving through the plant!
I became aware of someone walking beside me—the overbearing day foreman who considered himself God’s gift to nearly everyone. I reached out and slapped this egotistical man sharply on the arm—he jerked and looked around but obviously didn't see anyone.
I found myself alone again at the outside wall, ready to leave. But when I turned and glanced one more time through the plant, one of the day-shift girls yelled, "Oh! There's Bonnie!"
I don't know if any other employee had heard her or saw me. But another time, I mentioned to that foreman that if he weren't nice to me, I would put him in a book or come back and haunt him. He replied, "You haunt me every time I shut my eyes!"
Back home again, I recalled that the experience had been very vivid. It had not been a dream, because most dreams fade through the years, while astral experiences generally stay with us. That was just one experience that convinced me of auras and astral travel. They are real; they are not figments of our imagination, and they are not necessarily scary or harmful.**
I've read that humans are encased in an egg-shaped bag of energy with spokes (or rods) radiating outward from it, depending on one's spiritual development. People who are mostly earth-bound, and are not thus developed, have dull, shrunken auras clinging to their physical bodies. The more outgoing and friendly a person is, the brighter and farther away his aura extends; conversely, someone with only gross, material, or harmful interests has a tight energy field.
A bright, positive, spiritual aura is repelled by a gross, negative, shrunken aura. You'll know what I mean if you've ever sat next to someone and for some reason you could not tolerate that closeness and had to move away. What had happened? Your positive aura probably bumped into their negative one, and the two auras were not compatible. You felt irritable but didn’t know exactly why.
I once wrote a nonfiction book titled “Eternal Flame: A Journey into Self”. A small publisher read and liked the work and sent me a contract, which I declined. He had already begun editing my work before I signed off on it and he did not mention royalties or offer an advance. Then he contacted me again and wanted us to share the cost of publishing. So the book remains unpublished; I have neither the time nor the inclination to revise and work on it again, although I know many people share my interest in the paranormal.
Have a great New Year!
* Every living thing vibrates at its own rate, depending on its spiritual advancement. Even a dense stone vibrates, but so slowly it can't be detected by human eyes. This is where the idea for the once-popular "pet rocks" came from.
** I believe astral projection would only be frightening or harmful if drug induced, and I have never used LSD or other recreational drugs. But accidental projections could be scary for someone who had never heard of them. Some study and preparation are necessary to fully understand what’s happening. Many people have them while lucid dreaming, especially during the hypnagogic phase of sleep, that space between dreaming and wakefulness.